Central Studios Mallorca

Mallorca - Locations & Studios

Central Studios Mallorca is the sister studio of Station Studio Mallorca. With 10 years' experience at Station Studio and 15 years in the production industry, the company knows how it works.

The daylight studio measures 260 m² and the lifestyle studio 162 m², with plenty of room to relax outdoors in the garden and cool pool.

Facilities also include:

  • Large infinity cove.
  • Lots of daylight with blackout options.
  • Background walls and set building services.
  • On-site light rental and lots of power.
  • Vehicle access onto the curve.

The utility area has been designed so it can be used as a lifestyle studio for kitchen shoots or apartment/loft set-ups. Central is currently working on developing the other half of the building into Studio 3 - a 487 m² stage with drive-in facility.