AJ Films

New Zealand - Australia

Locations in Australia and New Zealand are open for filming and photography - it is business as usual moving into the winter season down under.

Line producer Amanda Jenkins from AJ FILMS has been working throughout the Oceania cluster of countries for over 25 years with a trusted network of experienced producers, photographers / dops, and directors.

Now the borders between Australia, New Zealand and the Cook Islands are open, diverse locations are now again accessible and on offer. Local photographers and directors are already working closely with clients to achieve their productions remotely. With their no-fuss, can-do attitude, it is easy and stress-free for clients on the other side of the world as our teams are used to being available 24/7 to help meet your production deadlines.

The team behind AJ FILMS has many years of experience assisting automotive clients in their campaigns. In this Spotlight you can see a few examples, including work for BMW, Renault, Audi, Volvo and many more.

On 31st July, NZ opens international borders for winter productions, so let AJ FILMS help bring your creative ideas together, contact Amanda to gain access to diverse locations, talent, photographers, or support director solutions for your next commercial campaign.