Lars-Arne Scharl constantly looks for new challenges as a photographer. His origins lie in action sports photography, a field known for its versatility and beauty but also for its physical demands and often extreme shooting conditions. 

Lars began his photographic career in 2006 and a year later won the 'Wettbewerb für Sportfotografie 2007', Germany's biggest competition for young sports photographers.

His photographic style uses a mixture of pure natural light and extensive flash equipment.

In 2011, Lars covered the MTB World Cup on locations worldwide, as well as the biggest MTB Freeride events such as the Red Bull Joyride in Whistler, Canada and the Red Bull District Ride in Nuremberg, Germany. During the winter season, he loves to spend as much time as possible on crosscountry and alpine skis as well as on his snowboard, working for various outdoor companies. Clients include GHOST Bikes, CEP, Shimano, Team'National, iXS, engage and many more.

Since 2012, he is supported by f-stop.