Rich Maciver

Rich Maciver

Take a look at the latest works of Rich Maciver or contact them in London directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for advertising photographers, fashion photographers, people & lifestyle photographers, portrait photographers, sports photographers.

Born in the Highlands of Scotland I moved to London in the summer of 2012 after mastering in Visual Communication at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen.

I began picking up my first paid gigs whilst studying at uni ranging from filming and editing educational and instructional videos (it was as exciting as it sounds) to driving the length and breadth of the UK and beyond shooting BMX riders.

Initially assisting in London, I learnt from the best and went from a small town highlander to travelling the world working for some truly exceptionally talented photographers.

Thankfully, shooting worldwide, the passport still collects stamps, the days are always unique and the work is always extremely gratifying. In my commissions and clients I’m proud to include some great brands including Nike, Gymshark, Puma, Adidas and Reebok and some fantastic publications including Cyclist, Shortlist and Soccerbible.

A passion for sports, combined with a drive to beautifully light the talent in their most authentic moments is what takes priority in my work. Whether that’s commercial shoots in studio & on location or reportage with an editorial eye.