Toshi Oku

Toshi Oku

Rep by B & A (USA) and The Good Company Artists (Detroit)

Take a look at the latest works of Toshi Oku or contact them in Los Angeles directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for advertising photographers, car & transportation photographers, landscape photographers, people & lifestyle photographers.
Toshi Oku

Toshi Oku

Rep by B & A (USA) and The Good Company Artists (Detroit)

Toshi Oku

"I was born and raised in Japan and trained as a photographer in the US. Due to this unique experience, my work is influenced by a strong Japanese aesthetic and Western art; it ranges from beautiful automotive shots to lifestyle storytelling images. I have production teams that support both stills and videos throughout the world.    

We deliver not only outstanding beautiful images but our experience and creativity to solve problems. I believe a big part of a successful production is the ability to adapt to the ever changing world and to provide a seamless experience to our clients as well as delivering images that are beyond expectations."