Take a look at the latest works of 1806 Agency or contact them in Milan directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for 3D illustrators, animation production, CGI, 3D Rendering & AI, commercial production, creative post production, digital artists, directors & DOPs' agents, directors/ advertising / commercials, DOPs/ people & lifestyle, fashion production, film production services, food & drink production, location service & scouts, photo agents, photo production.

1806 Agency


1806 Agency is a group of professionals in love with the beauty of visual images in all its forms. Based in Milan, we operate as both an artist representation agency and a production company.

Our talent roster comprises exceptional artists from across the globe, including photographers, film directors, digital artists, 3D and CGI studios, VFW studios, VR and AR creators, as well as pioneers in phygital and immersive projects, and explorers of the metaverse and AI boundaries. As an agile production company, we specialize in delivering top-quality photo, video, and cutting-edge digital content. From initial research to final delivery, we maintain total control over the production process, ensuring the utmost quality and creativity at every stage. Collaborating with innovative minds, navigating the intricate landscapes of metaverse and digital/phygital immersion.

For us, cherishing beauty extends beyond artistic expression—it embodies ethical stewardship and reverence for our global community and environment. We adhere to strict protocols, striving to minimize our climate and environmental footprint wherever possible.
