Take a look at the latest works of Mitchel Gray or contact them in New York directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for art photographers, people & lifestyle photographers, portrait photographers, sports photographers.

Mitchel Gray

New York

Mitchel has done over hundred covers, a thousand editorial pages, ads, and web pages, created two best-selling coffee table books, had several NYC (and elsewhere) art gallery shows, and a bunch of videos – all with spectacular athletes, actors, and models.

But for this edition he is doing something different. Throughout his career, whenever he has been on location he has enjoyed shooting images of the places he has been – landscapes- and now he has decided to share a few. All the Bodies - 'In Action', 'At Rest', and 'Intertwined' are still his main focus, as are the portraits of celebrities, athletes, models, performers, and real people. And they are always viewable at the links below.

The 'Bodies in Action' photos feature pro athletes, film and TV stunt people, and spectacular dancers from great companies. Note that in each photo that appears to have more than one person in it, it is actually the same person in tandem with themselves.

Follow Mitchel on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook to see his latest work, and check his previous Production Paradise features to see a selection of images.

Mitchel’s video partner is Sam Schmitz.