Alberto Venzago

Alberto Venzago

Take a look at the latest works of Alberto Venzago or contact them in Zurich directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for documentary & reportage photographers, people & lifestyle photographers, street / urban photographers.

Alberto Venzago

Zurich native Alberto Venzago virtuously oscillates with his camera between reportage and advertising, between documentation and staging. With photo essays, he casts a critical eye on world events and tells moving stories: from Zurich's Platzspitz to Benin's voodoo cult to child prostitution in Manila.

As a concerned photographer, Venzago does not shy away from any scene - neither the organised crime of the Yakuza in Japan, nor the long-standing revolution in Iran. His well-composed and constructed imagery, which serves as advertising campaigns for international brands or dazzlingly showcases world-famous stars, forms the antithesis to his reportage.

Venzago's first museum exhibition ever is an opulent retrospective of the photographer and filmmaker's work, Museum FUER GESTALTUNG ZUERICH opening July 2021.