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Flag and map enthusiast R. Fresson makes illustrations that nod kindly to the past. Ruby hand-draws in pen and ink, then colours digitally, inspired by the print processes of early 20th century comics and magazines.

Her line-work is lodged in the ligne-claire style, made famous by Joost Swarte, Bob de Moor and of course, Hergé.

Ruby’s bright and bold compositions are influenced by her time in Japan, where she practiced woodblock printing in Kyoto and studied the Ukiyo-e style of Hokusai and Hiroshige.

Humour is an important aspect to R. Fresson’s work and she continues to develop a witty practice with a dextrous vintage aesthetic, working with clients including Apple, BMW, The New York Times, Bayern Munich FC, Monocle, The Guardian, GQ and The New Yorker.

R. Fresson is represented by JSR, see more here. You can follow the agency on Instagram for the latest news.