
Berlin - artists and creative experts agents

peppermintcircus offers a full portfolio of artists and creative experts suitable for all departments including commercial, TV, beauty, fashion and catalogue. "Take advantage of our connections and production experience to add professionals to all of your departments."

The agency is based in Berlin and represents a European network of more than 100 professionals. Specialised in a range of hair and make-up artists, styling experts, manicure and pedicure, photographers, illustrators, food stylists, catering experts, lighting specialists, camera and DOPs, unit managers, sound and music people, SFX, set and props, location, production, castings and many more, peppermintcircus will connect the dots from A to Z.

"Simply plug-in your existing resources and let us handle the rest. From very large to small projects, and from partial to all in, we can assist with all your needs."