Ale Burset

Buenos Aires - photographers

Argentine photographer Ale Burset is an establish name on the European circuit, dividing his time between advertising and fashion; between the Old and the New World.

His latest shoots include campaigns for Mexico, Spain, Argentina and Latin America, including:

  • TourSpain worldwide campaign for the second consecutive year.
  • PlayStation for Latin America.
  • Head & Shoulders Latin America.
  • Land Rover and Activia for Mexico.
  • Coca Zero for Argentina.
  • Rexona for Argentina and Chile.

Ale recently finished two fashion productions, one of them in Spain with renowned stylist Kattaka. His team also includes make-up artist Lewis Amarante and hair stylists from X-Presion, with all work produced by Ale's agent AProductions Spain.

His upcoming work includes campaigns in Italy, Spain and Latin America. One of his latest personal projects entitled 'Mariola' was recently featured in Communication & Arts.