Work Productions: Project Argentina

Buenos Aires - Photo & Film Production

In 2005, Work Production Company opened its doors in Buenos Aires, and a unique company, which blends New York production standards with South American production values, was born. This combination provides financial management, local expertise and economic value along with a trusted business standard.

Project Argentina is committed to bringing our clients the very best photo, film and multimedia production in Latin America. It's the only company in the Americas dedicated to “piggyback” film and photo production. With experts from both production worlds it achieves extraordinary economies of scale on production costs and ensures stylistic continuity. Project Argentina keeps it all under one roof, and avoid the pitfalls many have experienced when TV and Photo cultures meet.

Project Argentina has expanded beyond the borders of Argentina, and now has satellite offices in Uruguay, Brazil and Chile. It also has great crews ready to go in Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica and the Caribbean.

Stay tuned for our new website and blog launch!