Deniz Saylan

Stuttgart - photographers

International people, portrait and advertising photographer Deniz Saylan is based in Stuttgart and London.

Shooting around the world for major clients, he recently photographed retired chancellor Gerhard Schröder for Die Zeit, Nissan, Renault and Infiniti CEO Carlos Ghosn in Tokyo in December for Adeyaka Magazine, Bogner Accessoires and Bogner Leather summer 2011 image brochure, and a new campaign for Zeiss Meditec. His latest work was for Lamborghini Automobili SA shooting the brand new Aventador in Sant'Agata, Italy.

Deniz won the BFF Silver Award 2011 for his 'Infinity FX50' production and shot 16 motifs for the new Mercedes-Benz brand book welcome package.

Deniz is currently looking for an agent in London. Visit his website for more information.