Welcome to Showcase Los Angeles, brought to you by Production Paradise. This issue features some of the leading photographers currently working out of LA, including Alex Bernstein, Dana Hursey, Donald MiralleEva Napp, Jon Dragonette, Kelly Fajack, Kremer Johnson, Nate Hassler, Rocco Ceselin and Russ Quackenbush; talent agents Alyssa Pizer Management and No-Name Management; photo and film production companies Productions In The Sun, Shoot It Productions and Six Degrees Production; post production company Gloss PostProduction and digital capture company Pop Capture Digital

You can find more creative professionals and facilities for photographic and film production in our Los Angeles Photo and Film directories.

Companies including Coca-Cola, FiatW Magazine,  Nissan, Vogue, BMWCosmopolitan, Monsoori, Toyota, Blank Magazine, Chevrolet, Harper's Bazaar, Acura, VW and Review, among others, have trusted these professionals with their latest advertising campaigns and editorial shoots.

Be sure not to miss our recommended events:

Our cover image was shot by Tracey Morris