"My way through the world of Graphic Design and Advertising, together with my studies in interpretation and cinema, have helped me to become a photographer searching for a unique style.

After 30 years in Argentina, in 2009 I decided to embark on a trip around Europe. For three months I travelled around different places in Italy, France, England, Holland and Spain, capturing and gathering images of extraordinary landscapes and photographing strangers.

My trips in Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, the Amazon and parts of Australia have also contributed to what is my day-to-day at DiegoBerroStudio. 18 years of experience in communication form an integral part of the interpretation and creation of each final image.

I have exhibited my work in countries like Holland, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Spain, the United States and Argentina. At present, I live in Madrid and both photography and art continue to be my greatest challenges."

Diego has worked with various agencies including McCann Spain, VCCP Spain, El Ruso de Rocky, Mc&Saatchi, RKPeople and Bungalow 25 Circus. His clients include Coca-Cola, Fanta, Aquarius, Loewe, Cortefiel, Santander, AXN, Bankia, Renfe, Suzuki, Freixenet, Loterias Quiniela and Pacha Group.