Tomasz Dyczewski

Warsaw - photographers

Tom Dyczewski's fascination with photography began when he was only 10 years old. Eight years later, he published an extensive shoot from the barricades during the Moscow coup in 1991. In 1992, after studying marketing and management at the Warsaw School of Business, his career in advertising began with a managerial position in the US West Poland with Panorama.

In 1995, Tom founded his own firm and began a six-year collaboration with NoS Studio. He won first prize at the prestigious Kreatura 98 advertising awards and went on to form strong partnerships with leading agencies BBDO, McCann Erickson, Lowe GGK, DDB, Ogilvy and DraftFCB. Several of his ideas and strategies have been adopted by companies such as Lukas Bank, TP S.A., Plus GSM and Browary Tyskie.

In today's digital world, Tom has returned to his greatest passion and has founded a professional photography studio. He remains one of the most efficient and effective photographers when it comes to delivering a clear advertising message.