Peter Hölzle is an advertising photographer with a studio in Rutesheim, near Leonberg. In addition, he has been photographing business and incentive events on behalf of an insurance company in Stuttgart for over 12 years.

Five years ago, he started to create 360° product animations based on a customer request. From the outset, it was clear to him to specialise in medium-sized customers who require individual solutions - both with small products such as jewellery as well as with a 135kg, 2.5m-wide outdoor kitchen! The 360° area has been continuously enhanced by the display of sequences and the creation of virtual panoramas.

Virtual panoramas or tours give estate agents, for example, the opportunity to show their customers a first virtual impression of high-quality properties, but are also suitable for hotels, etc.

From 360° and VR, it was only a small step to 'Cinemagraphs, animated Gifs & Co'. Find out more about how Peter is using these different techniques here.