Runolfur Gudbjornsson is a fashion and lifestyle photographer, born and raised in Reykjavik, Iceland, who has spent most of his professional carrier in Denmark.

In late 2000 he founded Photopop, a creative photography studio in Aarhus, Denmark. With the world as his playground, Runolfur has worked on productions in the United States, South Africa, most of Europe, Scandinavia and Iceland where he has a big advantage when it comes to planning a production. Over the years he has earned himself a respected reputation for his work and is considered a true master of light.

Clients include By Aagaard, Spinning Jewelry, Puma, Bestseller, Bang & Olufsen, Trousers, Snob, Margit Brandt, RVLT, Cult, TDC, Shoeshibar, Peugeot, Vestas, and many more.

Branding and re-branding has become Runolfur's specialty thanks to his creative mind and sense for graphic design. He is often part of the creative circle behind his clients' visual communications, working with both still images and video production.