Ellen McDermott is a New York City-based photographer best known for her beautifully lit interiors, portraiture and moody still life imagery. Her work can be seen in numerous magazines, periodicals, ad campaigns and private collections.

Embracing projects that utilise the natural light along with the technical aptitude needed to create lasting beauty has been a lifetime passion. Her team is ready to take on projects that need to harness human emotion to sell their products.

Recently, Ellen had taken on a personal project shot off the coast of New Hampshire documenting "A Day in The Life of a Lobsterman". “As creatives, we are constantly in search of unique and fulfilling ways to express ourselves. These self-assigned projects have been an entry into worlds previously unknown to us." The subject matter is very Americana: from portraits, locations to objects. They all share a particular drama, which is amplified by the dramatic use of color, composition and lighting.