20 years as one of London’s leading agencies, Mutton Bones represents a portfolio of award-winning photographers from around the globe.

Whilst continuing the re-shoot of her famous b/w books ‘Woman Before 10am’, Veronique Vial has been working for beauty brand Philosophy, Dove and French shoe co Baron Papillom.

Adrian Myers’s sports/action work has taken him from glaciers for Snow&Rock to race tracks for MCS Menswear. Other clients this year include Marina Yachting, Henry Cotton, F1 Racing and Vision Express whilst continuing to shoot his fellow rugby players in his spare time.

The latest of Markku Lahdesmaki’s personal projects has won him awards in Applied Arts, while his ‘Avanto’ series which captured swimmers in Finland dipping into the ice holes was a winner in the 2015 PDN Photo Annual. Recent ad campaigns from Markku include Fedex, Toyota, Snickers and Microsoft.

Marcus Philipp Sauer started 2015 with catalogues of new location car work from Toyota and Kia, whilst Graham Tooby has been shooting still life for HSBC, Coca-Cola, Vodafone and animals for McVities, all of which can be viewed on the MB site.