Mitchel Gray is a photographer and author with two best selling photo books to his credit, 'The Lingerie Book' and 'Lingerie Fantasies' (St. Martin’s Press). He has illustrated many more books, particularly in the active lifestyle and health and fitness fields. He has photographed over 60 magazine covers, including about 30 for Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, M & F Hers, Runner’s World, Mountain Bike, Bicycling, Fitness and more.

He has shot many hundreds of magazine and ad pages for publications and ad agencies around the world. Much of his portrait work in recent years has focused on sports celebrities ranging from Derek Jeter to Tom Brady, and a whole lot of people in between. His fine art work has been shown in galleries in both the United States and Europe.

He is presently partnering with the United States Olympic Committee on a a new fine art series, 'Bodies in Action' part of which has already been featured in the National Art Museum of Sport. Elements of the series are featured in this Spotlight.