Having worked and travelled in over 80 countries, photographer and film-maker Toby Adamson is still as excited about new locations and experiences as he was when he first started out. With close to 20 years' professional experience and a passion for making interesting images whatever the situation, Toby works for NGOs as well as corporate clients and also shoots stock imagery for a variety of  picture agencies.

His short film ‘Reflections on Sixty’ was awarded best in its category at the 2011 Kendal Mountain Film Festival.

With a past life as a highly experienced freelance Oceanographer, Toby remains fully certified for working in the marine environment on vessels and oil and gas installations worldwide.

Clients include Oxfam GB, Oxfam America, BBC Worldwide, Body Shop, Sightsavers, Tear Fund, Life Agency, Nestle, Dell, Guardian News & Media, Atlas Services Group, Vision Aid Overseas, Kitkatt Nohr and Lone Twin.