Tim Gerard Barker
Tim Gerard Barker
Tim Gerard Barker is an award-winning Australian photographer and filmmaker currently based in Hanoi, Vietnam. With exper se spanning a diverse range of genres including architecture, hospitality, lifestyle, corporate, industrial, travel, and documentary, Tim's por olio showcases his remarkable versa lity. His passion for global explora on and cultural immersion serves as the driving force behind his colourful and graphic style.
Tim seamlessly transitions between capturing candid, fly-on-the-wall documentary moments and developing me culously cra ed commercial concepts. No ma er the assignment, he produces though ully composed images that reflect his keen a en on to detail and dedica on to thoroughly understanding his subject ma er during the pre-produc on phase. Beyond his photography,
Tim is an avid cyclist who enjoys climbing mountains and he revels in the breathtaking beauty of early morning light while exploring the stunning landscapes of Northern Vietnam.