Alexandru Cristian

Alexandru Cristian


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  • Showcase Magazine


    united kingdom

    Jun 24

    Alexandru Cristian

    Car & transportation photographers

    Before he ever became a photographer and image retoucher, Alexandru Cristian was roaming the streets with his beloved BMW E30 '84 Coupe. As a member of several car clubs and an attendee of drift events, he experienced true car passion firsthand—from fixing his own car to participating in shows and road trips.

    This is where photography and cars came together for Alexandru. When he started taking photos for his friends, he discovered a new passion.

    Alexandru understands car culture and the people who love cars as much as he does. His work demonstrates his deep understanding and passion for cars, car motorsport, and their significance to people.

    With over a decade of experience as a professional car photographer and image retoucher, Alexandru has honed his skills. Necessity drove him to adapt quickly and take on new roles such as director, producer, art director, director of photography, and digital artist, where he transforms visions into imagery.

    "When photography and true passion for cars collide."