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Jodie Mann is an international award-winning advertising Photographer & Director, specialising in fashion, beauty, and fine art. Born and raised in the Scottish Highlands, Jodie draws inspiration from the region's rich history and breathtaking landscapes, building a unique perspective into her projects. Her work carefully intertwines these influences with a captivating exploration of the human form.

Beyond capturing the image, Jodie works closely with clients as an art consultant; focusing on crafting, developing, and executing compelling narratives that forge a deeper connection between their audience and brand identity. Jodie’s most recent work includes curator and photographer for the new W Edinburgh hotel, and the re-launch of the iconic Nokia 3210.

With a career spanning over a decade, and mentorship under renowned photographer Nick Knight, Jodie has been awarded the IPA International Advertising Photographer of the Year Award, and nominated for Photographer of the Year at the Lucies In 2022.

“Collaboration and great storytelling are the two fundamental pillars for creating powerful imagery. In every aspect of my work, I approach each project with great passion and ambition to make brands unforgettable; capturing everything they are, or aspire to be. Having lived and worked in some of Scotland’s most sought-after areas for film & photography, I’ve been provided endless stimulation for my imagination. It is what enthrals me most and gives me the best ideas.”

Represented worldwide by Agent-At-Large.

AGENT (London, UK)
Scott Choucino
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0) 7882 319040