Silvia Paredes

Silvia Paredes

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  • Spotlight Magazine

    Silvia Paredes


    Silvia Paredes believes simplicity and honesty are intrinsic to great photography and it is this approach to the art of image making that sets her work apart.

    She has a sharp eye for shape, contour and graphic elements as well a strong perception of the space within a composition. Her aptitude is in the experimental flare with which she responds to things, spaces and people, applying creativity, love of detail and personal style in both her personal and commissioned work.

    Silvia is also able to understand and appreciate the intricacies of working within the parameters of a creative brief. “Connecting” with the people and the environment she works with is extremely important to her, and this is indeed something she excels at.

    Throughout her career she has built a strong client list including architects, interior designers, builders, brands, advertising agencies and magazines such as Diseño Interior, Arquitectura Viva, Vogue, IABSE, MacCann Erickson, Tiempo BBDO, BAUHAUS and Rimadesio, among others.

    Silvia strives unrelentlessly to create better and closer images for her clients. She loves to think they are enriched by her vision.