
Europe - California - Locations & Studios

"We hope you all had a warm summer and a cool fall with loads of exciting productions. We sure did, and as we close out a crazy busy year, we're super happy to announce that we now have more than 600 locations in Europe and California on our platform - and counting!

With winter around the corner in Europe and with the Atlantic open to travel again, why don’t you check out our California selects by using our easy filtering system? For those who don't quite feel like California dreaming, pick any of our colourful and cosy locations in southern Europe to brighten up the cold days.

Moreover, if you should find yourself in the precarious situation of not having a X-mas party location nailed down for your team yet, or if you are in dire need of a pastel-coloured pool setting with a palm tree to shoot your inflatable unicorn in January... Just give us a shout, our international scouting service has got you covered."