chicago issue 489
Sep 2014
Freddy Fabris
Chicago - photographers
Client: Adidas , Title: All in or nothing , 2014 soccer world cup, Mexico team
Client: Adidas , Title: All in or nothing , 2014 soccer world cup, Mexico team
Client: Adidas , Title: All in or nothing , 2014 soccer world cup, Mexico team
Title: The Last Supper
The Renaissance Series , Title: The Anatomy Lesson
Model: Turner , Project Runway
Client: Audi
Kraft , Clight
Latest work by Freddy Fabris includes images for the European launch of Victory Motorcycles, shot last month in downtown LA and Palm Springs (soon to be released), and the 'All in or nothing' soccer 2014 World Cup campaign for Adidas, shooting the Mexican national team in DF, México.
Shooting people, conceptual and transportation campaigns in different locations throughout the continent for the last 15 years, from pre- to post-production, Freddy's involvement with every project is profound and detailed, giving each one its own character and distinctiveness.