Paul Elledge

Chicago - photographers

Paul Elledge is a photographer and film-maker whose clients include major advertising agencies, design firms and corporations. He has been honored with numerous national and international awards including being included as one of the top '200 Best Advertising Photographers in the World'.

Paul has worked with many celebrities and magazines such as Oprah Winfrey, Billy Corgan, Jennifer Hudson, Willie Nelson, Fast Company, Men's Health, Rolling Stone and Time.
His work has appeared worldwide in galleries and museums. Paul’s book 'Luna, Bella Luna' chronicles the people of Vesale, Italy. He has also collaborated on several books with chefs Charlie Trotter and Rick Bayless.

Paul recently returned from working on two personal projects in Cuba and Italy. Summer projects included national pharmaceutical campaigns and rebranding for a financial institution. This fall starts out with a major project for the iconic American brand Weber-Stephens.