Latest work from LIGA_01:

  • The on-air design for German TV station ProSieben has been completely revamped. With image trailers and commercial separators, its design is now characterised by the most extraordinary ideas and spectacular effects that show the popular stars of ProSieben in an unusual manner: Stefan Raab braves a horde of football players who crumble into dust during a tackle; supermodel Heidi Klum presents a different kind of haute couture - on closer inspection her evening gown turns out to be a shoal of fish; and Aiman Abdallah brings spacey jellyfish to life.
  • The famous football show RAN on German free TV Sat.1 is back, and LIGA_01 obtained the contract to produce the visual effects for the new opening segment which is now full of energy and exciting football scenes - just like a good game should be!