Christoph Siegert

Hamburg - photographers

Christoph Siegert lives and works between Hamburg and Cape Town. He candidly admits to becoming a photographer "only because I was too lazy to paint".

Although manifold in his choice of subject and theme his work shows recurring characteristics in both content and style, with colour playing an especially important role. His range covers staged images, reportage and spur-of-the-moment shots: "My work is created snapshots - at times composed, at others simply capturing the moment".

Awards: Silver Medal, Art Directors Club 2007 for 'Hype Gallery'. Gold Medal, Deutscher Dialogmarketingpreis 2007 for 'Hype Gallery'. Silver Medal, Art Directors Club 2003 for 'My Parents'. Honourable Mention, Canon ProFashional Award 2003 for 'African Skies'. Honourable Mention, Art Directors Club 2003 for 'Premium Magazine'.

Cients: Camel Active, Comdirect, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank, Daniel Hechter Sport, Dresdner Bank, Gerling Versicherung, Hamburg Mannheimer, Mastercard, Nivea, Olympus Europe, Otto, Siemens, Tchibo, Unilever Bestfoods, Vattenfall Europe, Volvic - Danone Waters.