germany issue 189
Dec 2009
need more pixel - professional photo department
Berlin - Photo & Film Equipment Rentals
need more pixel GmbH is a professional photo dealer with an extensive equipment rental department. Based in the centre of Berlin, the company is located near to a handful of professional rental studios and is easy to reach from every direction.
need more pixel offers professional photographic knowledge and competence in both digital and analogue photography, print and colour management. The company is a pro-partner of all the major brands, including Canon, Hasselblad, Nikon, Leica, Mamiya, Kodak, Fuji, Quato, NEC, also Adobe, Apple, LaCie, Lexar, and more.
Tino Pohlmann recently shot Alice Cooper for the current Saturn advertising campaign with the company's Hasselblad H3DII-50 rental package.