germany issue 309
Nov 2011
Ben Isselstein
Dusseldorf - photographers
Title: Trainport , Production: Setbuilding, studio & location shots, digital airbrush, backplates from archive
home emergency calls , Production: Studio & location shots, composing
Mobile emergency calls , Production: Studio & location shots, composing, CGI modelling (Bildbotschaft)
Title: no.One (selfpromo) , Production: Model making, studio & location shots, composing, backplates from archive
high tech ceramic bearings , Production: Studio shots, composing
pharmaceutical / pain relief , Production: Studio shots, composing
Title: Jump Dimensions (selfpromo) , Production: Jumper shot in studio, all other parts from archive, composing
Ben Isselstein has added recent jobs, new motifs and up-to-date downloads to his Virtual Stages website.
2011 has been a year of publications and awards, including Blickfang 2011 - Germany's Best Photographers, Best of One Eyeland, a further nomination and several magazine stories.
Virtual Stages Photography is based on a slim and efficient production line and speaks a unique language of imaging and art. Visit Ben's online portfolio for a more behind-the-scenes perspective.