Boris Mosner

Hamburg - Food & Drink and Tabletop Directors and DOPs

Boris has over 30 years of experience and expertise as a director and DOP. He is passionate about the art of filmmaking, challenging himself with each shot, looking to create new and innovative work that satisfies clients and audiences alike.

After starting his career as a lighting cameraman, Boris has shot everything from cars and beauty to food and drink. He has developed a unique visual style and has become a master of liquid, food, slow-motion, and special effects. His films often combine live-action with specialist cinematography to tell stories that capture the beauty and emotion of objects. 

Boris has shot in 26 countries, working with a diverse list of clients (Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Audi, L’Oréal, P&G, and Mercedes). Being freelance and not tied to any production company, he is able to work freely and flexibly on everything from small creative jobs for local companies to worldwide campaigns for large agencies and clients. He loves working with people, in or out of the studio, and is always developing new techniques to take his films to the next level.

He is available to work both as a freelance director and DOP as well as part of a full production service through ProductEye Studio. You can contact via email Boris or on +49 172 4535111.