germany issue 972
Oct 2024
Anke Luckmann
Hamburg - Barcelona - photographers
Anke Luckmann is a trailblazing female photographer, known for her expertise in car photography, a field she has mastered over the years. With a passion for innovation, Anke blends various techniques to bring her visions to life, whether it's capturing dynamic shots on location, shooting handheld from a tracking car, utilising CGI, or working with the Gybow in a studio.
Her ability to choose the perfect method for each project makes her work stand out. Anke's impressive client roster includes major brands like Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Julius Baer, as well as renowned athletes and racecar drivers.
A true car enthusiast, she also has a soft spot for the Lamborghini Miura, always on the lookout to photograph this iconic model. Got one in the garage? Give her a call!
Visit Anke's website for further information and contact details, and give her a follow on Instagram for latest news. She is represented by Picture Matters in the US and Barberoandyou in France.