Kelly Elaine

Los Angeles - photographers

Kelly Elaine's love affair with photography started back in 2001 when she took her first black and white film photo course. She learned how to do all the processing and developed a respect for the art.

It wouldn't be until around 2010 that she realised her need to make her art into a business. It was on an extended cross-country road trip that she decided to switch careers and make it happen. From then until present day it has been a mix of emotions and a lot of learning.

In the last couple of years, Kelly has been gaining a lot of traction in the music industry and in photographing portraits. She has worked with artists and clients like Leon Bridges, Allen Stone, Janelle Monáe, Lemaitre, Gallant, Astralwerks, and Capitol Records.

In 2016, Kelly Elaine's work was published in Entertainment Weekly, Marie Claire Kazakhstan, HUF Magazine, and in numerous other digital magazines and articles.