Belle & Company

Miami - Artists Management

Belle & Company has been a leading professional photography agency in Miami since 2006, representing top photographers, videographers, stylists, hair and make-up artists and a new division of fine artists.

British-born Carole Ann Belle heads a truly international agency, with talent and clients from Miami and Palm Beach to New York, and more recently a developing assemblage across the pond in London.

Belle & Company remains a valuable resource that clients have come to trust and rely upon. Clients include Vogue, Chanel, Armani, Cartier, L’Oréal, McLaren, Apple, Coca-Cola, Sony Ericsson, Reebok, Adidas, Diageo, The Ritz Carlton, Marriott, MTV and Art Basel together with top advertising agencies, the best national magazines and many of today’s top celebrities.

Belle & Company is a member of The American Society of Media Photographers. Contact the offices on 1.305.776.1800 or 1.917.310.1808, or email for more information.