netherlands issue 645
May 2017
Tobias Reymond Foto | Film
Amsterdam - photographers
In this Showcase, Tobias Reymond Foto | Film shares some interesting projects, on-the-road as well in the studio.
- The team travelled to Italy over the Alps to shoot foodtrucks, shortlisted in 'The Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2017 Award'.
- A non-profit project with JWT/Amsterdam for Restaurant Freud/Amsterdam, using the original Rorschach patterns as spilled liquids, earned a lot of attention.
- 270 pages on bakery techniques were finalised: 'Bakken met Kennis' by home economist Eke Mariën.
- Giardini Naxos in Sicily staged another series on food markets.
The company also had seven images recognised in the Black & White Spider Awards 2017.
Tobias Reymond Foto | Film is preferred supplier to Unilever, KLM and Ahold.