Peter Baiamonte

Berkshires - New York - photographers

With his images, Peter Baiamonte wants to tell you a story; give a glimpse of a place, show some personality - and reveal some meaning.

His strengths include clean storytelling, rigorous composition, vibrant colors, creative problem solving, and an ability to connect with his subjects, setting them at ease and making their time in front of the camera comfortable. He is also good at assembling an excellent crew, working collaboratively with clients, and creating a friendly, happy vibe on set.

Peter’s work includes many styles and disciplines: portraiture, lifestyle, landscape, travel, and sports, among others. He splits his time between New York City and the Massachusetts Berkshires, working regularly with clients in New York and Boston as well as the entirety of New England. He is available to travel worldwide.

In this Showcase, there are images from all over the Northeast and beyond—including New York City, the Berkshires, the Isle of Skye in Scotland, and even Antarctica! Clients for this Showcase include Berkshire Magazine, Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, and design firm Sarankco.

Peter's clients include Ernst & Young, Con Edison, Panasonic, Bayer, Harrison and Star, Novartis, TevaNeuroscience, Webster Bank, and many others.