Peter Baiamonte

New York - photographers

Peter Baiamonte is based in New York City. He wants to tell you a story, give you a glimpse of a place, and communicate a sense of meaning with his images. He loves to reveal the personality of his subjects.

A native New Yorker, Peter Baiamonte has worked in the photo industry since the mid-90s, accumulating many years of crew work before moving into his own projects.

Peter’s work includes many styles and disciplines: portraiture, lifestyle, landscape, travel, and sports, among others. He splits his time between New York City and the Massachusetts Berkshires, working regularly with clients in New York and Boston as well as the entirety of New England.

Work in this Showcase includes recent work for University of the Pacific. The subjects were business students, on tour in New York City, meeting contacts at several financial firms. Other work includes new images for Wyckoff Heights Medical Center and Saranko, a design firm; a cover photo from a shoot for Berkshire Magazine; an image from a shoot used to populate a new website for investment firm First Manhattan Co., and coverage for Fullstory, an information technology company.