Sølvi Strifeldt is an award-winning make-up artist and works as an external researcher, teacher and lecturer at several stylist and make-up schools in Norway and Sweden. She is also a beauty adviser for magazines.

Her work experience includes projects for music videos, fashion and beauty for magazines, fashion shows, books, television, film and commercials. 

Clients and collaborators include Kris Dewitte, Julie Pike, Morten Qvale, Per Heimly, Bring Me The Horizon, Shontelle, Omer Bhatti, Ms Lauryn Hill, Morten Abel, minMote, X-Factor, Robinson, TLC, Guinness Records, Massiv, Det Nye, Kamille, Femina and KK.

Magazines include Institute, Papercut, Vestal, Sessions, Goblin, Coco, Hope st, P&I, Creem and Ell'ements.