vienna issue 374
Nov 2012
Christian Stangl
Vienna - photographers
The Complex - Impressions of the Orf-Centre is the latest exhibition from Christian Stangl on display at Cafe & Galerie Kandinsky until 30th November.
The Roland Rainer building at the Vienna Küniglberg is not only a unique architectural structure but also the heart of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation and a piece of history from the Second Republic.
Christian has a special relationship with this building. Working for more than 16 years as a motion designer, he knew only small parts of this massive structure. At night he would go on reconnaissance trips with his camera in-search of excitement in the corridors, yards and cellars.
For Christian, the Complex appears as a huge spaceship. The 'crew' consists of thousands of people who manoeuvre day and night through the impasses of the busy 24/7 media business.