Sandra Seckinger

Zurich - photographers

Latest news from photographer Sandra Seckinger:

  • A shoot for beQueen, a web-forum for women, entitled 'Don't worry, mother and child are in good health'.

  • A personal project for a 2008 calendar under the concept 'create more children', a campaign designed to encourage a higher birth-rate in Germany. Sandra creates extraordinarily appealing images that present children and their everyday adventures in what is a thought-provoking and smile-raising look at modern attitudes towards child-care. Graphic Designer: Tanja Eisel. Text: Julia Habermaier. Print concept: atio.

  • A shoot for McDonald's with Swiss national football player Barnetta and eleven lively kids. Shot on-location at Leverkusen stadium and in a Munich studio, the advert was produced for the EM 2008.