Janeth Leyva is based in Tokyo, working with many international clients and Japanese brands.

She continues to be involved in advertising campaigns, fashion magazines, runway shows, music videos and television commercials as well as working with celebrities, famous musicians and DJs.

Recently, her fashion make up has been featured in Vogue Italia digital. She paired up with photographer Solene Ballesta and shot a a collection of editorials with celebrities Emi Renata, Julia Abe and tattoed aerial artist Yusura. She also contributed with her talent to the latest campaign Di Nero by Double Standard with DJ/Instagramer, Rhyme.

Many brands are using Instagramers for the campaigns. This was also the case of adidas and My Denim Story by Pacsun where she had to make over seven models while they were filmed on location in the busy streets of center Tokyo.

She filmed the latest FIT BIT watch shot by the team Set Strategy, which was aired on Japanese national TV as well as the Tokyo subway screens.

Her latest video works include the very hipnotic and captivating video with Japanese rapper AKLO directed by the French duo SOS in Belair.