awards 2020

Nov 2020

Title: Enfant Terrible 

"I used to believe that a picture could change the world, it was my job to show it as brutally and realistically as possible. The closer to the action - the better. 

I was with those in power and with the oppressed," says 1985 Robert Capa Award winner Alberto Venzago. 

LIFE, STERN and Sunday Times Magazine printed the stories about the Japanese mafia, child prostitution and voodoo in West Africa of the Magnum Nominee.

After 40 years of photojournalism it was time to write a new chapter. The loner has become an artist duo. With Julia Fokina two like-minded people have found each other, they work under the common name "ONE".

 "We combine photojournalism and fine arts, interpret events in a new, emotional and often provocative way."

"There must be much more that life can offer." says Julia. The search began in the late 80s in the Soviet Union in the Moscow underground scene of theatre and music. 

As the first punk model she shocked the fashion world. It is a long journey, inside and outside. The driving force is desire and adventure. "I am now where I always wanted to be. I am not only in front of the camera, but together we create these worlds of images. The ideas are often based on my life stories, or appear from the subconscious."

The artist couple Fokina-Venzago become symbiotic lovers connected to the darkness by fascination, they know no boundaries.

After seven years of working together around the world, a 45 kilo sumo art book has been created in a limited edition of 10. "ONE-seduced by the darkness“. 

The winner picture "Enfant Terrible" was taken for this book.