Paul J Harvey’s passion for dynamic landscapes combined with his technical automotive skills make him a natural choice for this very specialised field of work.
Numerous global advertising campaigns have been realised over the past decade, as well as pure landscape commissions for Shell, SNCF and Gdf-Suez.

New technologies such as 3D CGI have also been embraced, with a recent commission from Peugeot shot in Barcelona. The CGI post-production for the campaign was completed in Paris, where Paul directed the project until its final conclusion.

Paul’s landscape work is regularly displayed at galleries in both London and Paris.

Additional clients include Assystem, Channel4, Chrysler, Citroen, Christian Dior, Concorde-Lafayette, Ford, Honda, Lancia, Mercedes, Mitsubushi, Nissan, Peugeot, Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo.