"2018 was a best of times, worst of times sort of year and ended with a bang! I lost people near and dear to me on a personal level, but work sky-rocketed bringing on a few more clients that call me regularly.

I checked land speed racing at the Bonneville Salt flats in a vintage open wheel car off the bucket list, built a Model T clone of the 77 Sunset strip TV show 'The Kookie Kar' for therapy, and travelled four continents in one month for work. Whew it was a year! Hoping 2019 brings even more diversity to my shooting. Motion has become a necessity these days as I forge forward into this vast changing world we work in.

One of my trips brought me to Morocco deep into the desert working for Fluid Peak Collective on a job for Nissan Global. I was blessed to be out in a land I had never been before and was able to capture a huge abundance of deliverables for the client and agency. It was a fast-paced quick turn-around shoot that had me working through the night with my editor and Fluid Peak to deliver the next day for seven full days. Lord I love a challenge! It keeps me on my toes. Please sit back and enjoy the stills and motion footage I captured over the span of a week - this is a very small portion of the amount we delivered."