film & commercial production
Dec 2009
BossaNovaFilms wraps up 2009 with significant achievements.
The production company produced a big advertising campaign with 23 commercials promoting the expansion of Sao Paulo's transportation system, 'Expansao Sao Paulo: Metro/CPTM'.
It also completed three different TV show seasons, including 'Harmonize', a 13-part programme that blends special guests with music, gastronomy and beer.
Branded entertainment projects included the second season for Nokia's 'Njornadas2', Seda's 'Entrelaçadas', and recently a 14-episode series for Johnson & Johnson's 'Toque de Mae'.
BossaNovaFilms also signed important international co-production deals for some great projects: a Portuguese co-production for the documentary 'Cresci na Mangueira' (Grew up in Mangueira), the development of the documentary 'Tropicalia' with US and UK companies, and the feature film 'Rio, I Love You' (Rio, Eu Te Amo), from the 'Cities of Love' series created by Ever So Close.
A huge trans-media digital strategy for 'Rio, I Love You' is currently being developed by the company's newly launched interactive division. 2010 promises to be very busy year indeed.