Myles New is a busy London-based food photographer. Well versed in the art of creating mouth-watering images, he comes from a food background bringing with him an incredible understanding of food and how to photograph it.

Photography is one of his life-long passions (the others are eating and surfing) and his love of the art translates into an amazing understanding of lighting techniques and how to use them, whether it be daylight or recreating a lovely sunny scenario on the bleakest November day.

With an ever-growing client list, Myles has recently shot Christmas and summer billboard campaigns for Sainsbury's and ads for Hellmann's, and has also translated his skills into moving image, directing for Lidl and Sainsbury's as well as some short films and animations. He has worked extensively with Lorraine Pascale shooting the books which accompany her TV series, and works regularly with his editorial clients which include Jamie, Olive, M&S, Waitrose Kitchen and Good Food.

Myles is a true professional and an easy communicator - take a peek at his website and feel free to contact him or his agent.