Maxine Lock presents a bold and intriguing series of images that take a deep dive into the curious intersection of nature and branding - because why not let fruit and packaging mingle?

In some of these images, glass bottles are meticulously sliced open, as if they were hiding a juicy secret all along, revealing the fruit at their very core. It’s a subtle nudge to remind us that there’s a bit of nature lurking behind every glossy label. In others, Maxine masterfully captures fruits that have been carefully sliced with their product labels attached, blurring the lines between product and produce in a visually captivating way.

This fusion of product and produce is presented in a way that is not only visually captivating but also conceptually intriguing, offering a fresh perspective on the relationship between the two. The series of images are characterised by its use of clean, minimalist compositions, mixing realism and abstract art into a balanced and eye-catching display.